Stress and creativity created by the discrepancy in the way time progresses for each individual

The earth rotates on a 24-hour time axis, but have you ever been aware that each person’s time axis is different? Also, personal time axes can be different depending on the situation.
For example, many people may feel that time passes quickly during the first few moments after waking up in the morning. For example, many people feel that time moves faster during the period after waking up in the morning, but during the period after waking up, the brain does not process information as quickly as it should, so there is more wasteful movement and relatively less time. And the more impatient you are when you oversleep and prepare for the day ahead, the faster time seems to flow.
When driving a car, the time axis of each individual is clearly visible. Some people become irritable, hurried, and dangerous from the moment they get behind the wheel, while others drive so slowly that it seems like a nuisance to those around them. I had thought that those who are easily irritated by driving or those who are nuisance drivers who cannot adjust to the flow of cars around them may have a strong sense of occupation with the road in front of them while driving, but in reality, they have a personality that makes it difficult to adjust their own time axis to the surrounding environment, which can be explained in relation to many things in life in general. This can be explained in relation to many things in life in general.

People whose personalities do not match, people who are easy to be with, people who are irritating, people who are good at group activities, people who are not good at group activities, people who are easy to talk to, people who are hard to talk to, people who listen to others first, people who disagree first, and so on are examples of how time axis differences manifest in relationships in all aspects of life. These are just a few examples. As a result, in our relationships, we can be creative in our conversations and responses, enjoy our conversations, deepen our thoughts, or experience strong stress. The ability or inability to adjust to each other’s time frames makes the difference between those who are aware of time frames and those who ignore them in their social relationships. In the beginning, when lovers are eager to get to know each other, they believe that no one else is as compatible, but as the relationship lengthens, progresses into marriage, and they stop trying to get to know each other, many begin to wonder why they are with someone with whom they are not comfortable. I do not necessarily believe that one’s time line must always be in sync with others and one’s surroundings. However, I do believe that there are many times when we need to consciously create an environment where we are on the same time line.

I mentioned driving as an example, but there are many ways to adjust the time axis on roads that are used by an unspecified number of people. Speed limits and overtaking bans are easy to understand, but there are also some unusual devices such as flashing lights in tunnels that act as pacemakers to maintain speed. Various road signs and devices are used to reduce accidents by making the unspecified number of people aware of the same time axis. If a vehicle that ignores the time axis appears on the road, the risk of accidents will increase dramatically.

It is recognized that sharing time frames in group activities and corporate organizations tends to increase work efficiency. However, it is important to be aware that sharing all time frames, such as waking, eating, resting, and sleeping, like in a prison, tends to deprive individuals of time to think and create a group activity or organization that deprives them of their individuality. The point of the methods used for brainwashing education in prison-type camps, such as training camps for new religions, employee training, and remote training using social networking services, is to deprive people of time frames and put them under the control of the organizer. If you want to create a manageable group organization without malicious intent, you need to be aware that the organizer is depriving individuals of their time axis. While sharing a time axis tends to increase work efficiency, it also suppresses the emergence of individuality and ideas, in other words, it makes people give up the ability to think. The same can be seen in family life. A child raised in a family environment that is extremely paternalistic and motherly, and that corrects the family on its own time axis, may outwardly look good, but it will lack the germination of individuality, lack creativity and research, and lack artistic ideas.

I am not saying that shared time lines are all bad. If the memories of a shared time line are pleasant ones, family bonds are strengthened. If people feel that they are sharing meaningful time lines, they can achieve organizational goals. Not dominate all time lines, but eat breakfast and dinner together and have conversations when the children are young, even if only for short periods of time. Make time to read to them at bedtime and enjoy conversation. Go out together. Watch the same movies. Read the same books. Think together. Even if it is only for a short period of time, the memory of sharing a time axis with your children, partner, or family becomes the foundation of a trusting relationship. The same can be said for group activities, corporate organizations, and school activities. Brainstorming to solve a problem by imagining a single brain shared by the entire group in a virtual space can bring out more ideas than you think, even in a short period of time. Without the free flow of individual ideas, social stagnation begins, but without the ability to share a time axis with others, ideas will not develop. Whether it is a family, a company, or a group of strangers, we believe that an environment and awareness of the need to share a time axis is necessary.

Each of us has our own time line. We feel stress when we are aware of time axis discrepancies not only in our homes, schools, workplaces, shopping at convenience stores, and other situations where we need to communicate with others, but also in hotels where computers are used as receptionists and even in vending machines for beverages. Without the awareness and ability to adjust our time axis to some extent, we will create situations and relationships that are stressful for both parties, even when we are in close proximity and even when we are just passing each other.

To summarize in general terms, each of us has the ability to be aware of our own time line and adjust ourselves to our surroundings, although it is difficult for each of us to modify the time line of others and adjust ourselves to it. We also have the ability to maintain a sense of normalcy and observe our surroundings rather than being swept along by them. By being aware that each person has a different time axis, I feel it is important to sublimate stress into creativity and create an environment where we can coexist and co-prosper without unnecessary conflict with others and other countries. even if the 2024 Olympics will not be the stage to realize world peace, we share the same rules, I hope that the 2024 Olympics will not be a stage for the realization of world peace, but will be a meaningful gathering of people from all over the world who share the same rules and participate in and watch the games with the awareness that we are living on the same time axis on the earth.